
Antarctica Flag competition 2023

Posted on: November 24th 2023School News

Antarctica flag competition 1

This year, MGS Lower School pupils took part in an internal school competition to design a flag for Antarctica as a celebration of Antarctica Day, which marks the signing of the Antarctic Treaty on December 1st 1959. Students across Year 7 and Year 8 were given free reign to design their flags taking inspiration from the natural environmental and geopolitical landscape in Antarctica - many designs included flags that have signed the Antarctic Treaty.

Across 11 classes, 12 winning designs were chosen to produce an MSG Flag that will be sent to Antarctica as part of the UK Polar Network Antarctica Flags Project 2023. The school will be paired with scientists and personnel travelling to the continent who will fly our flag returning photos and certificates to school when their expeditions conclude in February. 

Well done to all our Lower School Geographers!