Junior School
The Junior School is a close community, where every boy is special and valued as an individual.
Although proud to be part of The Manchester Grammar School, we realise that young boys need to feel especially secure and nurtured.
A trained primary Form Tutor and Sixth Form prefect offer support and guidance, no matter how small the problem. We liaise closely with parents to deal with matters swiftly and sensitively.
Our Junior House system affords boys the opportunity to mix across the year groups and to pull together collectively. Every boy is able to represent an official team within our sports and activity programme. Boys throughout the Junior School are encouraged to take on roles of responsibility, ranging from Form Captains to Sports and House Captains. Our elected School Council members represent the opinions of their peers and all boys know that we take their views seriously.
All new boys benefit from our postcode 'buddy system', helping with travel arrangements and enabling relationships to be forged even before boys join us. This, combined with taster days, provides opportunities for boys to embark on their MGS school life with confidence and ease.