
Fees and Assistance (bursaries)

Fees for the year 2024/25 are £15,930 per year, or £5,310 per term, exclusive of any applicable taxes.

Our tuition fees cover teaching in the regular curriculum, use of school books and equipment, stationery (excluding items detailed on the equipment list) and other materials, public examination fees in the Senior School (except re-sits), but not extras, e.g. private music lessons.

School meals are optional in the Senior School but compulsory in the Junior School. There is no separate charge for school meals for boys in Years 3 and 4. 

Other expenses are normally restricted to uniform and voluntary school camps and trips.

Fee Assistance

We are proud of our commitment to maintaining the widest possible socio-economic background of our pupils. As a result, bursary funding is offered to successful applicants on a means-tested basis and on the basis of academic merit.

At MGS, we believe our bursary scheme defines who we are as a School, and what makes us so special. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, since 1998 we have spent over £30 million funding life-changing bursary places for more than 750 bright boys, who might otherwise have missed out on a first-class education because of their financial circumstances. 

To read what previous bursary recipients had to say about their experiences at MGS, please click here.

Around 200 pupils currently receive full or partial bursaries, with the vast majority being full. Bursary places are available for boys joining Year 7 and the Sixth Form, with the majority of funding being offered for entry in Year 7, and are only offered to families who are permanently resident in the UK, and living the North West of England, at the point of application. The School's ability to offer bursaries depends upon the level of funding available.

Fee assistance is based on the total gross income of the household in which the pupil lives and will be on a sliding scale such that parents in receipt of assessable income in excess of £58,000 will receive no assistance for the 2024/25 academic year, whilst those with income of £32,000 or below will receive full remission of fees.

Family incomes are reviewed annually and the value of the bursary is adjusted accordingly.

If you wish to apply for financial assistance, you must do so when making an Application for Entry. We do not offer academic scholarships.

For more information, please contact our Admissions Office.