
    Lower School

    The Lower School at MGS consists of Years 7 and 8 and is all about developing scholars and gentlemen.

    Our boys come from a diverse range of schools and backgrounds, and around half of our boys come from state primary schools.

    Our community thrives upon this diversity. Our well-established postcode ‘buddy system’ ensures that every boy arrives knowing someone already at MGS. A specialist Lower School Tutor will oversee your son’s development, guiding and supporting him and helping him to prepare for the challenges and opportunities of Middle School.

    We keep intelligent and enthusiastic boys busy by providing them with a wide and varied curriculum which nurtures a love of learning, as well as opportunities for lessons to be learned outside the classroom. We have well over 100 weekly clubs on offer. We have trips specially tailored to developing friendships, like the annual form residential to Owls’ Nest and form trips to Castleton, Conwy and the Blackden Trust.

    An important part of Lower School is the sense of community that we foster and this comes about through the friendships that boys develop with their classmates, their Tutor, Head of Year and Head of Section. As a Lower School team we set high, but realistic, expectations in all areas, and enjoy the diverse company of our enthusiastic and youthful cohort.