
Middle School

The Middle School at MGS consists of Years 9 to 11 and concludes with our boys’ first experience of public examinations.

The mantra for an MGS Middle School boy is to challenge himself in a variety of ways and the breadth of academic curriculum on offer is simply the start of this.

The Middle School is a time where MGS boys explore their academic interests whilst being challenged to fine-tune their strengths in preparation for IGCSE/GCSE examinations. Beyond this, Middle School boys play a great role in the co-curricular life of the School. From the Theatre to the Rugby field, from the concert stage to desert trek, Middle School boys take themselves out of their comfort zone, encountering new horizons and getting to know themselves and their peers better in the process.

Making the most of small tutor groups and a team of skilled pastoral staff, the boys in Middle School receive outstanding academic and pastoral support and enjoy three years in a dynamic and encouraging community. Our aim is that all boys leave Middle School having experienced genuine challenges in a friendly and encouraging environment, able to make intelligent well-informed choices for the future, and looking forward to a brilliant Sixth Form career.