
Support The Sixth Form Centre Appeal

We are delighted to announce that £3.5 million has been pledged towards our £4 million fundraising target.  New gifts and pledges from our community towards our £4 million total will enable the School to begin work on the new building project at the end of this academic year.

The names of all donors will  appear on the MGS website and be recorded permanently within the new Sixth Form Centre and Pavilion if they so wish.  

If you are able to help us to make this project a reality please make your gift now.


How to make your gift:
Online | make your regular gift now or make a single gift 
Post | download a donation form 
Phone | call us on +44 (0) 161 224 7201 ext 241


We are enormously grateful for significant early support from:


David and Susan Hibbitt OM 55-62 Andrew Dodd OM 83-90
The late Robert Beattie OM 43-45 The late George Myers Teaching Staff 73-76
John Young OM 68-75 The Chohan Family
The O’Hare Family The Campbell Family
The Edge Family The Cryne Family
The Hinduja Family Clare and Andrew Bolton
Martin Boulton OM 84-86

The Late Kenneth & Evelyn Norris  OM 36-42


The Abbott Family
The Ahmad Family
The Alam Family
The Anosike Family
The Anwar Family
The Armstrong Family
The Awan Family
The Barrington Family
The Beardsworth Family
Roger Beastall
The Bentley Family
Linda Blackburn 
The Bolchover Family
Marcus Bokkerink
Ben Bowles and Family
The Chan Family
The Connell Family
Nigel Davenport
The Dobkin Family
Harrison Edmonds
The Farr Family
The Farrington Family
Richard Fawcett
The Fehily Family
The Ferguson Family
The Findlay Family
Jonathan Fogerty
Anna Wicking and Paul Freeman
The Freeman Family
Mark Geller
The Gething Family
The Gibson Family
The Grace Family
The Gumbley Family
The Gupta Family
Stephen & Diane Hawkins
The Iqbal Family
Mike & Jean Jones
Sally & Simon Jones
The Jones Family
The Keeling Family
The Kerecsenyi Family
The Knight Family
The Kwok Family
The Lam Family
The Lamb Family
The Lui Family
Akeel Malik
Emma Kilheeney McSherry & Graeme McSherry
The Medlicott Family
The Mellor Family
The Mohammed Family
The Mottershead Family
The Naeem Family
The Nazir Family
The Nichani Family
The Olsson-Gibb Family
The Patel Family
The Platt Family
The Pochin Family
The Pollitt-Lam Family
The Ravi Family
Howard Read and Family
The Rochford Family
The Rosenthal Family
The Saleem Family
The Shah Family
The Strauss Family
The Super Family
The Teh Family
The Temkin Family
The Thistlewood Family
The Vij Family
The Wagstaffe Family
The Wareing Family
Lisa Murphy and Mike Watkinson
The Whitaker Family
Stephen White
Ian Wilson
The Wong Family
The Yip Family
The Zaman Family


We recognise all supporters of our Sixth Form Centre Appeal. Please note that some of our supporters wish to remain anonymous.