

Royal Patron of the MGS Trust

The Former Prince of Wales was a patron of the MGS Trust.

Chairman of the MGS Trust

Nigel Richens

Patrons of the Bursary Now Appeal

Within the past 100 years, MGS has been through some turbulent periods: the move to Old Hall Lane during the Great Depression, the evacuation during World War 2, the phased removal of government financial support from the Direct Grant and Assisted Places schemes, the financial crash of 2008 and now today, the Covid-19 pandemic. When the next history of the School is produced, I have no doubt that the current period will feature heavily in its writing.  
Maurice Watkins CBE                    

We hope that our supporters will include The MGS Trust in their charitable giving today and honour the intentions of our founder, Bishop Hugh Oldham, in supporting a school which exists to benefit all able boys in the North West of England.
Martin Boulton                                
High Master 

We are enormously grateful to all those who have already supported the MGS vision of re-establishing a truly needs blind admission policy to the School.
Linda Hamilton                                
Former Head of the Junior School

The Bursary Fund and the School’s determination to remain an academic meritocracy is something of considerable importance to the staff at MGS.  I am delighted to include the Bursary Fund amongst my chosen charities.
Pam Higgins                                    
Former Chair of the MGS Common Room

MGS is an institution whose values are enduring.  Giving to MGS will make a real difference to someone’s life and enhance the education of all pupils.
Roger Lamb                                      
Chair of the MGS Parents Society

Providing access to all that MGS has to offer for those in greatest need matters more than ever to me in these tough times. I am delighted to support the School's work and hope you feel the same
Richard Donner                               
OM 72-79 

I have recently started making a regular donation to the MGS Bursary Fund.  Each generation of Old Mancunians has benefited from the generosity of those who have gone before them – and I feel it is now my turn to support the Bursary Now Appeal.
Ariful Islam                                        
OM 07-14

Patrons of the MGS Bursary Appeal 

Chris Addison
Mike Atherton OBE
Sir Michael Atiyah
Harry Bardsley
Sir Howard Bernstein
Tom Bloxham MBE
Mark Chapman

Mark Chilton
Michael Crick
Sir Alex Ferguson CBE
Lord Stanley Fink
Alan Garner OBE
David Gill
Felicity Goodey CBE

Sir Nicholas Hytner
Faisal Islam
Ashok Kallumpram
Jane Luca
Rodney Powell
Sidney Rose
Anil Ruia OBE

John Shoard
Martin Sixsmith
Sir Warren Smith JP
Andrew Sparkes
Jim White
Sir John Zochonis