
Legacy Gifts

Legacy Gifts

Legacy gifts to the school can provide an enormous boost to our fundraising to provide means-tested bursaries and improve our buildings and facilities. Old Mancunians and friends of the School who have made the Development Office aware of their intention to leave a legacy gift to MGS are invited to become members of the Langworthy Society.

For more information about The Langworthy Society and to see a list of current members, please click here.


All places at the School were free until the late nineteenth century, and in the twentieth century successive governments helped to preserve access with the Direct Grant Scheme and the Assisted Places Scheme.

Since 1997 we have been entirely dependent upon our own resources, and have, with the generosity of many, built up bursary funds of more than £27 million. We hope to increase our funds in order to provide more bursary places for deserving pupils. In reality we require funds of over £100 million to enable the School to meet the demand for bursaries from investment income.


Hugh Oldham's original endowment in the early sixteenth century provided for the school as it grew to be rebuilt more than once on the Long Millgate site.

In the 1920s the governors managed the relocation to Fallowfield, where the new school opened in 1931. Improvements and additions to the buildings since then have been dependent on the careful management of income and the generosity of donors. Government grants have not been available to help us to improve our facilities.

Please download our legacy brochure, which outlines how a bequest could benefit the School.  If you would like to make us aware of your intention to leave a legacy, or would like help with the wording of your will or adding a codicil, please download the form Making or Amending your Will.