

We are a leader in the field of support for high-achieving pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties.

We have significant expertise and experience in supporting pupils with many different conditions, including ADD, ADHD, ASD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, physical and sensory impairment, working memory and processing problems. 
We enjoy strong working relationships with our pupils and their parents, and support boys from the point at which they are diagnosed until they complete their MGS careers. Boys applying for a place at MGS who already have a diagnosis receive support on assessment and entrance exam days. 
The School funds five full-time members of staff and a part-time teacher of English who focuses on the higher level needs of our dyslexic pupils in Years 11-13. Within the department, we have staff who are able to assess and diagnose pupils. This sets us apart from many other schools and means that parents are not required to pay for expensive private Educational Psychologists report or have lengthy waits to be seen by the NHS.
We look to support all of our SEND pupils from within the department and if the needs of a pupil are complex, we look to fund their support as part of whole school inclusion. We are proud that our SEND pupils go out to represent MGS at many of the top universities and across all disciplines.