Drama is a unique mix of text, action, theory and practice.
It is enormous fun and students have the chance to gain confidence, discover who they are, and learn more about the world around them.
Our Drama department is built around a set of core values: every boy should have opportunities to ‘create, perform and respond’. Sometimes, this may all happen in one lesson, sometimes it might take a little longer. Boys work as performers, and as directors, learning about the invaluable skills of collaboration and creativity. At all levels, they are supported by staff to challenge themselves and create high quality practical work. Boys learn about the discipline of performance; working in front of a live audience, and responding to the demands of this. In addition they learn the value of critiquing their own work, and giving feedback to others. By developing a critical vocabulary, they broaden their analytical skills. From the lessons every fortnight in Year 7 to the daily contact time with teachers in the Sixth Form, these values define the work that we do.
Our staff bring to lessons a wealth of practical experience, with connections to contemporary theatre practice, including training as actors, writers, directors and technicians. In an MGS drama lesson, boys explore theory through practice. Staff are on hand to support and guide, and encourage boys to take risks, to dare to try something different.
Beyond the classroom, co-curricular drama flourishes and supports the work in lesson time. Each year there are showcases of curriculum performance work, Shakespearean extravaganzas, lavish full-scale musicals, student-directed work, contemporary drama, high quality LAMDA exam work, and a wealth of theatre visits. In addition, there are occasional visits by professionals, allowing boys the chance to work with industry practitioners to develop their skills and technique.
Drama at MGS is vibrant, busy and exciting. It might make you think about the world a little bit differently, too.