
Welcome From The High Master

Our history dates back to the time of Henry VIII when The Manchester Grammar School was founded in 1515 by Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter, to provide 'godliness and good learning' to the poor boys of Manchester.

The School proceeded to build a reputation as one of the country’s leading educational establishments, a position it still holds today as an independent day school.

Much has changed in the intervening five hundred years, but our core mission to educate the brightest young men in the North of England regardless of their social, cultural, religious and financial background, has not.

We aim to teach boys to think for themselves and to develop a life-long love of learning. Lessons are taught by academic specialists with a passion for their subject, and teaching goes well beyond the narrow confines of examination syllabuses, offering our students the best preparation for the very top universities, both in this country and abroad.

There is, however, much more to an MGS education than what happens in the classroom. What makes this School truly special is the outstanding achievement of our pupils in areas such as sport, music and drama, and in keeping with Hugh Oldham’s aims we produce well rounded young men who have a true sense of service to their communities.

As a former MGS pupil myself, I know just how much of an impact the School has had on my life. This is an extraordinary school, and I am very proud of all that we do. An education at MGS is a true adventure for ambitious boys with enquiring minds.

I do hope that you will enjoy finding out more about us.

Martin Boulton
High Master