Junior School Michaelmas Term Sporting Achievement Certificate Winners
Although playing fixtures against other schools has not taken place this term, the Junior School sporting provision has continued in its broad and busy manner this term.
Every boy has been through a full football season and are mid-way through their hockey season before the rugby season commences at the end of January. Every boy, regardless of experience, is given the chance to play in three fixtures per sport alongside their usual games sessions and after school squad sessions. These are in the format of ‘house’, ‘class’ and ‘team’ festivals and have been very well received.
During Physical Education lessons, Year 3 and 4 have completed a ‘Ball Skills’ unit of work, whilst Year 5 and 6 completed activities which can be classified as ‘Athletic Fundamentals’ alongside a demanding swimming programme which is tailored to the pupils needs.
A selection of boys from each year group were recently awarded a ‘certificate of achievement’ for their attitude to learning, effort and progress in these PE, Games and Co-Curricular sessions, and should be proud of the way they have conducted themselves this term.
Mr Bird, Head of Junior PE and Games, would like to publically thank the pupils and parents for continuing to support the programme, the PE and Games staff for bringing their energy and expertise and our dedicated ground staff for keeping our facilities at a high standard.
Final thanks go to Mrs Hamilton, who has continued to place sport and activity high up on the MGS Junior School curriculum.