
Cambridge University Classics Competition 2022

Posted on: February 7th 2022School News


Several year 7 Classics students entered the national Ovid Mythology Competition run by the University of Cambridge, producing work inspired by Ovid’s Metamorphoses!

To enter the competition run by Cambridge School Classics Project, students came up with a creative response to the myths in any one of the following four categories: Performance, Artefact, Creative Writing and Animation. 

Ovid's stories often return to the themes of change and transformation, the meaning of the word "metamorphoses". They explore the unpredictable nature of fate and the ways people strive to make sense of themselves and the world they live in, themes that are echoed in much of world literature and continue to inspire storytellers across the globe today. 

There were some superb entries and two MGS boys won overall prizes: Tal was awarded 3rd prize in the Creative Writing Section for his poem ‘The Song of Baucis and Philemon’ and Noah won 1st prize for his animation of ‘Prometheus and the Fates!

MGS has one of the largest Classics departments in the country, teaching Latin, Greek, Gratin (our very own combined Latin and Greek course), Classical Civilisation and some Ancient History.