Sapere Aude

Welcome to The Manchester Grammar School

Founded in 1515, The Manchester Grammar School has established a reputation as one of the top academic schools in the country.

Support MGSNew Sixth Form Centre and Sports Pavilion

Here are more photographs of our during their Spring Concert earlier this year - we look forward to their next concerts in the 2024-25 academic year!— Manchester Grammar School () July 26, 2024


Every year, our Sixth Form pupils engage in a competitive fundraising netball match against pupils from ~ this is a great opportunity for pupils from both schools to celebrate the great relationship between MGS and WGS and raise money for great causes.— Manchester Grammar School () July 25, 2024


Congratulations to all pupils and members of the MGS community who performed with the renowned Hallé Choirs at at on Sunday. This performance marked the conclusion of Sir Mark Elder’s 25-year tenure as Music Director of the Hallé Orchestra.— Manchester Grammar School () July 24, 2024


Earlier this year, our enjoyed learning about different aspects of Indian culture ~ they even participated in a traditional Indian dance class and welcomed pupils from for the day.— Manchester Grammar School () July 23, 2024


Every year, over 1500 pupils, governors, alumni, and staff gather at Manchester Cathedral for Founders’ Day. This tradition dates back to at least 1872, with exceptions during events like the World Wars and the COVID-19 pandemic.— Manchester Grammar School () July 22, 2024


A glimpse into our recent recital, featuring the musical talent of pupils in years 7 - 10 from the Senior School. The full video and music credits can be found on our Facebook and Instagram account.— Manchester Grammar School () July 19, 2024


We are thrilled to announce that nearly £250k was raised during our two-week telethon, supporting transformational bursaries and the establishment of a new Sixth Form Centre at MGS. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all our supporters...— Manchester Grammar School () July 19, 2024


Congratulations to the winners and runners-up of this year’s on the theme of ‘Adventure’. For more details on Creative Writing and other highlights from the 2023-24 academic year, look out for the next edition of Ulula, our annual school magazine.— Manchester Grammar School () July 18, 2024


Pupils from years 3 to 13 have opportunities to get involved in drama performances throughout the academic year - here are some of our who recently brought to life a production of Shrek the Musical JR.— Manchester Grammar School () July 17, 2024


Well done to year 8 pupil Kareem who competed in the 3km open water swimming championships at Sale Water Park at the end of June, and won a Bronze Medal. This has qualified him for Open Water Swimming Nationals which will take place over the summer holidays…— MGS Sport () July 16, 2024


Pupils on the Scottish Trek have had a wonderful last couple of days of walking. They have climbed up to the summits of The Cobbler, and walked from Beinglas to Crianlarich on the West Highland Way. They had a leisurely final walk, making moustaches from sun cream!— Manchester Grammar School () July 16, 2024


A fun time was had with lots of progress made by our pupils in the MGS Racquets Academy during Activities Week - many thanks to all the coaching and teaching staff for all their hard work.— MGS Sport () July 16, 2024


Our pupils on the Scottish Tour have completed a 30 mile ride from Paisley, spent time with the Kelpies statues and the Falkirk canal wheel and have trained at the Sir Chris Hoy velodrome in Glasgow. Pupils from years 9-13 have really enjoyed the whole trip!— MGS Sport () July 15, 2024


Pupils on the Norway Trek have climbed Galdhøpiggen, the highest peak in Norway, Scandinavia and Northern Europe. Everyone is having a great time!— Manchester Grammar School () July 15, 2024


Our pupils on the Scottish Trek have had a wonderful time exploring the paths and waterfalls around Glen Coe and the Hidden Valley…— Manchester Grammar School () July 15, 2024


Our had a great time at during the recent academic year: pupils from years 3 - 5 enjoyed developing their skills in a wide range of watersports and other activities.— Manchester Grammar School () July 15, 2024


Pupils on the Scottish Trek have enjoyed walking the West Highland Way across Rannoch Moor to Glen Coe.— Manchester Grammar School () July 12, 2024


Our pupils on the Scottish Trek have had a great time exploring Glasgow, including visits to the Kelvingrove and The Hunterian, and have had a rapid-fire walking tour from Mr Bolton. Pupils have been working well in tent groups producing some wonderful meals.— Manchester Grammar School () July 11, 2024


Here are more photographs of our pupils in action at Bassenthwaite Camp this year!— Manchester Grammar School () July 10, 2024


Our year 9-13 pupils have had a great time on the Scottish Tour so far...they have spent time at the Glasgow BMX centre with coach Dasha Polakova, explored central Glasgow, conquered the climb of Glennifer Braes and even cycled around the Isle of Cumbrae.— MGS Sport () July 10, 2024

