
Previous bursary recipients discuss the impact of a bursary on their lives

Posted on: October 29th 2020School News

We are delighted to hear from former MGS pupils who have benefited from a bursary at our school. In their own words, they describe how much a bursary place has meant to both themselves, and their families.

It is truly humbling to hear how an MGS bursary place has transformed the lives of the recipient and their families. It is absolutely true that every donation made to our Bursary Fund will make a real difference to a young person’s life and enhance the education of all pupils.

That is why we are asking our supporters to consider a charitable donation to the ‘Bursary Now Appeal’. Your contribution will make such a big difference to the life of a bright, gifted young man who might otherwise miss out on an MGS education because of his financial circumstances. 

MharabchoudhuryMharab Choudhury:

“The bursary scheme at MGS has been amazing - it’s transformed our family and it means the world to us. If you work hard enough, and you strive for something, you can do it. That is what MGS has instilled in both myself and my brother. The School has nurtured us and helped us and constantly taught us to strive to do better. The bursary schemes means a lot to myself and my brother. When I started at MGS, I always wanted to give something back to the School in return for what they’ve given me, so when I became School vice-captain I felt I could really help others and give back to other pupils who may be in similar circumstances. I’ve spoken to lots of younger pupils at primary schools while I’ve been at MGS and encouraged them to work hard and apply to a place like MGS because it can transform your life.”

AnikmallickAnik Mallick:

“Attending Manchester Grammar School for Sixth Form was by far one of the best things to ever happen to me. Though I am currently studying in my third year of medicine at the University of Sheffield, I still consider my two years at MGS as being the best of my entire life. Never before did I experience such a strong culture among students to academically excel, or such incredible teachers, and I do not think it would have been possible to achieve my grades of 3 A*'s and 1 A at A-level without both of their ameliorating effects. Furthermore, the School provided me with countless friendships (with students and teachers alike) that have enriched my existence beyond description. 

“In truth, I question whether one could monetarily measure how much Manchester Grammar School has enhanced my life - it certainly far exceeds the generous amount granted by the school's immensely gracious benefactors, to whom my parents and I are eternally grateful. Without a bursary, my family would have been unable to afford letting me follow one of my childhood dreams of studying at MGS. Truly, the kindness of donors is inspirational, and I hope to one day follow their example so that other talented children from low-income households can have the privilege of attending what I will forever describe as 'The Best School in the Country’.”

ThomharrisThom Harris:

“To be honest, the MGS bursary fund changed my life. It took me to places that, sadly, so many deserving kids miss out on, through no fault of their own. I feel so honoured, and so lucky, that people believed in me. Their generosity gave me the opportunity of a lifetime.”

Anyone wanting more information, or to make a donation, should visit our dedicated ‘Bursary Now Appeal’ at our website, which can be found here: Support MGS - Manchester Grammar School
